Egyptian Embassy

Stauffenberg Str. 6-7, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

Due to the importance of its representation of the Egyptian government, the building shall express the cultural link between Egypt and Germany by reflecting the wealth and values of the Egyptian cultural heritage and combining it with the contemporary uniting values of Egypt and Germany today.

In order to maintain the established building line pre-determined by the Urban Planning Office, we have decided not to protrude with any architectural element beyond the street line of the neighbouring design of the Austrian Embassy and the adjacent Embassy façade lines.

The traditional Egyptian concept with a reflection pool in the inner court converts the original cooling function of this concept into not only an attractive, but also a light enhancing feature, from which the enclosed protected main entrance hall and the core of the building will benefit.

In order to create a meeting point for cultural exchange between Egyptians and Germans, and to protect the embassy against the noise as well as for security measures, we have introduced an exhibition space and have located it to the front of the building, which can be directly accessed by the public without undue interference to the Embassy or the Consulate. In case of no such need for exhibition space, the Consulate’s archive and storeroom can be relocated here and directly linked to the Consulate.

To fulfil all entrance requirements with separate accesses for different functions, we have decided to introduce one public front entrance façade and one recessed formal façade for vehicular access. In this way, a number of cars can have secured access at the same time and guests of the Egyptian Embassy will be able to reach the more enclosed and protected inner court safely. Immediately after entering, the guests can be received along the water garden at the heart of the building, beneath the atrium in the Embassy’s reception area.  The architectural elements ‘reflection pool’ and ‘atrium’ will create a visual grandness of this axis of linked spaces appropriate for the reception of the Egyptian Embassy.

Access to servant’s and security guards quarter is placed at the side of the secured garage access.  The formal Embassy zone and reception area expands to the most pleasant part of the site with a sunset orientation, and provides a safe and peaceful garden view of the neighbouring Embassy sites for evening functions and ceremonies.

The space throughout the whole building is organized in a functional and flexible way. It can be used for both representation and office purposes. The architectural vocabulary takes advantage of traditional and contemporary semantics.  The limestone colour is a resemblance to the desert, and the wooden carved details of exterior sun-blinds and interior architecture and furniture can be a reminder of the Egyptian craftsmanship heritage.